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The Exciting Evolution of Digital Locks

The Exciting Evolution of Digital Locks

Digital locks have allowed security technology to make excellent strides in recent years. Also known as smart or electronic locks, you no longer need to worry about keeping track of a standard manual key that can be picked easily. But have you ever wondered how...
The 3 Best Keyless Gate Locks

The 3 Best Keyless Gate Locks

Are you someone who has a tendency to lose track of valuable items easily? Do you wish you could open and close your front gate without worrying about a key? If both of these questions apply to you, there is a solution: keyless gate locks. Keyless gate locks not only...
How To Install A Window Lock Bar: 5 Steps

How To Install A Window Lock Bar: 5 Steps

A window lock bar is one way to go about enhancing home security. It takes your windows into consideration as a potential entry point for intruders. If you happen to live in an area that’s prone to break-ins, investing in a window lock bar is a wise choice. However,...
How To Put A Dog Door In A Glass Door

How To Put A Dog Door In A Glass Door

Do you access your backyard via sliding or non-sliding glass doors? Do you happen to have a furry family member who needs to do their business or stretch their legs outside once in a while? The good news is that if you have a glass door, it is absolutely possible to...
How To Install A Dog Door In 6 Steps

How To Install A Dog Door In 6 Steps

Does your pet like to go outside most of the time? Do you wish you didn’t need to get up and unlock your backyard door every time your dog needed to do their business? The easiest solution to these predicaments is to install a dog door in your home. That said, if you...